Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Day 3

Running around today and I kept having these cravings to buy something to eat!  I passed by Popeyes, thought maybe I could just tear off the skin.  I then found my eyes looking at Mexican craving a carne asada burrito.   These are normal things I would do running around.   The fact of the matter, though, I wasn't hungry it was just a normal thing to do.  I believe it is like a smoker that may be using a patch and they still crave to have the cigarette in their hands.  The shakes, snacks, and one meal, along with the amount of water it calls for me to drink fulfills my hunger.  This month is a cleansing month so it is more strict on what we can digest.  

Lorraine mentioned she is starting to feel lighter and not as bloated and she also feels more energy that gets her through the day! She thinks my belly has gone down also!  Lorraine lost another pound, and I lost 1.8lbs! 

 The shakes taste great!  We got a blender not that we needed another one, but today for the first time I shook my shake and the travel mug it comes with actually worked real well. 

For me this month I am doing this without any regular exercise.  My work keeps me busy 70 hours a week, and I have school.  Another thing I want to prove with this program is to my 1000's of friends that may have a limited amount of time to work out, that this can be a feasible solution towards assisting you towards a healthy lifestyle.

If you have any questions or may want to join our team towards taking your health back, please contact us! 

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